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Have a question you’d like to ask? Having access to the right information is extremely important at our Private Investigation Agency, and at Nemesis Online Law and Security Consultancy Ltd, we’re committed to keeping all our clients well informed. Check out the answers to some questions clients have asked in the past, and don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any additional questions.

FAQs for Online and Risk Investigations for Nemesis Online Law and Security Consultancy (NemesisLSC).

  • How can you be sure you have found the right person?

  • We use a combination of name, address, email, previous and current employer, education and images to confirm that our report matches the individual we are researching. We have a match criterion that must be met to ensure the highest level of accuracy. Every search is manually performed and reviewed by our trained research analysts and each report is Quality Controlled by the head researcher.

  • How is the individuals' information secured?

  • All of the information that we receive from our customers and collect from social media sites is secured and will be destroyed after 12 months. 

  • Where do you find the information included in Private Online Investigations reports?

  • NemesisLSC only accesses reviews and reports information that is publicly available online. Our team researches all social media websites, forums, blogs, and online activity of the Subject.

  • What happens if you are unable to identify an individual or they are not online?​

  • If an individual does not have an online presence, and it does happen! We will mark their report as “no online presence” in our report display.

  • What is the turnaround time for a Private Online Investigations report?​

  • Our turnaround time for an individual screening is around four working days after we have been provided with the all the necessary information.

  • In which countries are Private Online Investigations solutions available?

  • Private Online Investigations services are currently available to U.K. and EU organisations. However we do work globally for ‘Takedown and Removal’ requests for Copyright and Trademark infringements. If you wish to know more about which countries we cover please contact us.

  • What are the system requirements?

  • The only requirement to use our services is a web browser. NemesisLSC’s secure interface is entirely Internet based.

  • How much does it cost?

  • Social Intelligence pricing varies based on volume and the level of report we are asked to provide. However, you will find our rates very competitive. Please contact us for more information or for starting costs please read the Pricing Page.

  • How can Online Investigations help me as a Private Client?

  • NemesisLSC can help with any potential issues you may have in regards to; a partner’s open online activity; a business associate’s or client’s background; helping your children who associate with people who are badly influencing them making better decisions about their friends; and an online background check on a potential new person to your family through relationships or marriage

  • Someone has stolen explicit images and videos of me and uploaded them online to multiple websites?

  • NemesisLSC specialises in the takedown and removal of these images and videos. We use both US and EU Copyright and ‘Revenge Pornography’ Laws, and effectively remove these images and videos from the websites and the third party websites that separately store the images and videos. Wherever the images or videos are uploaded for display we will find them and ensure they are removed.

  • Do you find profile information on social networks if the profile is private? Does this violate the individual’s privacy?

  • If an individual’s profile is private, we do not attempt to review the private portions of the profile. We only review information that is publicly available. Our team of research analysts only access information that is publicly available from web content found from the considerable amount of online information. Any investigations company that says they offer this are not only lying but they are also breaking the law.

  • Does NemesisLSC stores information about job applicants that can potentially be used against them on future job hunts?

  • No. We only store information on job applicants for legal compliance purposes such as the UK Data Protection Act and the EU Directive on Data Storage. Our storage maintains a record of all verifiable seed sources in case the information is ever needed for disclosure to the pre-employment screened subject or employer. New reports are generated for every job applicant, including those that have been previously screened by us. 

  • We do not collect or store information on a job applicant without the applicant’s express written consent. As the job applicant is fully entitled to see all of the information released to the employer and the source documents should they wish to see them.

  • Does NemsisLSC follow the Data Protection Act?

  • We follow the DPA to the letter and ensures that all research and the reporting of that research is always, proportionate, reasonable and necessary.

  • Do your products and services violate the terms of the social networks and other user content publishing sites?

  • NemesisLSC requires the employer to gain consent from the applicant for a third party to perform a Private Online Investigations background check when it is for a pre-employment check. The online content being reviewed has been created by the applicant and therefore does not violate the terms of social networks and other user content publishing sites. 

  • We act at the request of an employer and the permission of the subject.

  • Why can’t employers conduct Private Online Investigations on prospective employees themselves?

  • When employers attempt to find and review candidates’ social media themselves, they are exposed to protected class information and other irrelevant information that cannot be considered in the hiring process. NemesisLSC redacts this information from reports so employers only see information that matches their legally acceptable criteria. Additionally, our processes are standardised and consistent, which allows for the utmost adherence to compliance laws such as the Data Protection Act.

  • How is NemesisLSC different than Google search?

  • NemesisLSC and the traditional search engines vary in many ways. Search engines provide unstructured, ad-hoc results that expose everything there is about a given applicant, including personal information not legally allowable or not relevant in the hiring process. Examples of this include race, colour, religion, age, gender identity, disability status. NemesisLSC has proprietary tools that collect publicly available, user-generated content including social media to find and only report information that matches the employer’s pre-defined criteria. The employer is never exposed to anything that falls into protected class information.

  • Does NemesisLSC replace a traditional pre-employment background check?

  • No, NemesisLSC is a separate background screening process that can be used in conjunction with a traditional background check, which may include criminal record checks, credit history, and past employment verification to assess a candidate’s comprehensive background.

  • What if a candidate that has been background checked disputes information in the report?

  • In the event an employer chooses to not hire an applicant based on a report we have produced, the applicant is sent a copy of the full report and the seed sources. The applicant will naturally be able to disprove or explain anything that is found online concerning them. 

  • What does a NemesisLSC report look like and contain?

  • The reports provided by NemesisLSC contain the subject’s full name, email address, and permanent address, as well as employer information and a time-stamp history, screen shots of the material that matches the employers’ pre-defined criteria, and analyst’s comments provided by the research team concerning its findings.

  • How does Nemesis background screening benefit my company?

• Protects job applicants from discrimination and from not being evaluated based on protected class information
• Protects job applicants by allowing the employer to conduct “fair and consistent” hiring practices
• Protects employers from allegations of discrimination
• Protects employers from negligent hiring
• Protects employers from being at a hiring disadvantage
• Helps employers improve their hiring results

  • What are the financial benefits of social media screening?

  • While the financial benefits of minimised legal risk and better hires can be hard to measure, significant quantifiable data – such as better employee performance and reduced risk of litigation and or employee turnover rate – has a significant material impact on a client’s profit and naturally their credibility.

  • What about discrimination?

  • Discrimination is a major issue when hiring new employees. NemesisLSC is designed to help the employer fulfill equal opportunities for all potential hires by concealing any material that falls under protected classes. According to UK’s Equal Opportunities laws, the following are characteristics and factors that cannot be considered as a reason to withhold an employment offer: Race, colour, religion, sex, national origin, age, gender identity, disability status. By removing this information, the employer can confidently make hiring decisions free from any bias.

  • Do you create a storage or database for all your researching? 

  • We are not building a “database” on individuals that will be evaluated each time they apply for a job and potentially could be used adversely even if they have cleaned up their profiles. It is important for job applicants to understand we are not storing their historical information to be used the next time they apply for a job. Data is archived purely for potential legal litigation reasons for a maximum of 12 months in order to provide a verifiable source in case the information is ever needed. It cannot and will not be used for any other purposes. We are legally obligated to conduct a brand new search each time a social media background check is ordered. 

  • Finally, in the event a job applicant meets the employer pre-defined criteria and a report is generated and the employer decides to take negative action as a result of the report, the employer will give the subject job applicant a copy of the report with clear instructions on how to dispute the findings in the event the applicant feels that an error was made.

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